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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I just want things to be perfect
I want my dreams to be the blueprint to my reality
I want everything to fit just like the 1000th piece fits on a puzzle
Perfectly in its place
Completing the puzzle
Beautifully perfect

I want one plus one to equal two happy people
Perfectly complimenting each other
I don't want to see any hurt or pain
The only tears I want to see are those of joy
I want my world to be filled with happiness and bliss
Your world... My world.....
I want it to be perfect

I want everything to be how I envisioned them in my dreams
I want it all
I want all things to just be perfect

Each day you wake up
And you do what you can to make this all come true
You work hard
You sacrifice everything
Your social life, experiences, and many other things
Because you want to prepare yourself for the world
You are planning out ever single detail of your life
Because you want it to be PERFECT
Exactly how you want it
Exactly how it SHOULD be in your mind

Whether it is an enhanced vision of what you had
Or something that you yearned for because you never had it before
You want it
You want it with your heart and soul
You want it with every last breathe
You want it so much that it brings tears to you eyes
You give up your own happiness sometimes because each unbearable day that you experience
You know that one day... Your future will be perfect....
You want it to be perfect........ This is at least something you feel as though you deserve......

And then.........reality crashes down on you and makes you realize that perfection doesn't exist
All that you wanted is there in the world but it is kinda messed up
It isn't exactly what you want but you still want it
It isn't exactly how you would want it to be packaged but you still yearn for it
And then all of these feelings get mixed up and you wonder if you could ever find Perfection
And then your quest for perfection makes you wonder if giving up something that makes you happy...
Really really happy.... is worth it
I mean, could you even find something better?
Was it meant for you to find "perfection"?

We all want things to be perfect
We all have our own perfectly perfect dreams
But sometimes we run away from things...
Because they are not exactly "perfect" to us
We let perfectly flawed people walk into our lives
And we get upset because they are a little off....
They are off from the blueprint that you dreamt up
But other than that they are perfect
But we still want that "perfect" blueprint to come into existence
We can't give up on what we worked years and months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and every painstaking second for .......

Our foolish pride won't deter us for our quest for perfection
We have to have it
We feel like we deserve it
We yearn for it
But at the end of the day....... Does perfection really exist?

1st Place

Always being pushed to the side
Never really been first
Life is like a racing game
In life I want to come in first

Pushing aside the negativity
Avoid being pushed back by the wind
Steady pace as I hold my head up
I have to reach the end

I could never really get that gold
I could never get that win
So I keep trying to get in first place
But it seems like I won't win

I know exactly what I want
But the question is "How?"
Seems like I can't ever come in first
Not then and not even now

Monday, October 28, 2013

The Cut

She came back Thursday
With tears burning inside
Waiting to be released
But instead of shedding those awful tears
She grabbed a pen so she could release
Release the feelings she had inside
Release how hurt she was
She gripped the pen tightly
And she keep writing along and along

"I wish things were this way"
"I wish he felt the same "
She even questioned herself on paper
"Perhaps the problem is me?"
On and on she continued to write
And wouldn't let those tears fall from  her eyes
She had to be the strong one
She had to not cry

Writing and writing and writing away
She sinks into her world
Excludes herself from reality
And wishes she was no more
Yet no one will ever know the pain
The pain that resides within she
She envisions that the paper is her flesh
And her pen cuts with each word she dare not speak
And the blood that trickles down
Makes such lovely words indeed
For her feelings she keeps deep inside
For when she hurts she does not speak

She came home Thursday
with tears in her eyes
Waiting to be  released
She grabbed her trusted notebook
And began to write a piece
Each word she wrote down
cut deep....deep into her soul
For she was slowly dying inside
But the word shall never know

Oh trusted pen and paper
You are her only friend
You are the one she confides in
But when will this end?
She needs to open up to someone else
She needs a "real" friend
Because even though her pen and paper is there
It can't be her only friend

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Who is holding you back?

There are troubles in life
There are lessons to be learned
Sometimes it seems like a losing batter
Sometimes life can be hard

Situations may not be the best
Our feelings may be hurt
But you have to decide if you will stand still
Or move forward....
Move forward and face what's stopping you

At the end of the day
Who is stopping you?
Sure people can tell you that "You can't"
But only you can decide if that is true or not

Look in mirror
That's the person who can hold you back
That is the person whose own words can imprison them within the walls of their own flesh
That is the person who will determine how your life will turn out
That person is you

It's crazy how we are our own best friend
We are our own motivator
We are our own pusher
And yet we can be our own downfall at times

Don't let your fear hold you back
Don't let your doubts prevent you from doing something
Don't let your emotions get the best of you
Because at the end of the day
You might think others were holding you back
But the truth is..
It was all you...

You were scared
You were confused
You made an unwise decision and are trying to bounce back
You decided to do this
You decided to do that
It was all YOU
But things can get better
You can move forward
There is no one holding you back.....but you

Friday, October 18, 2013

"Ms. I Need You Today"

Hey, I'm right here!!
Can you see me!
Today is another day!
Today is no longer yesterday!
Today is now TODAY!

I have come to the conclusion that yesterday was just another day
But today is something different
It is a day you need me to play

Play a role in your life
Be the queen that protects the king
For I have value in your life today
Which I didn't have yesterday indeed!
So call me whatever you may like
Because on other days I don't have a name
but I think it is quite fitting to call me
"Ms.I Need You Today"

For other times you don't care
And other times you don't call
But when you need me desperately
You expect me to pick up your every call
You expect me to listen to all you say
You expect me to sympathize
But I can't say how I feel
I have to always wear a disguise 

Hi, I'm "Ms. I Need You Today"
It is sad but true
But don't forget about those yesterdays
When I needed you to come through
And all I need was some words of advice
Or even just a friend
But yesterday you did not need me
So you left me alone once again


I'm running, running, running
Trying to keep up with your pace
I'm running and I'm running
Trying desperately to win this race
I'm trying... I'm trying so hard
But I am also questioning
If it is about time that I finally face defeat

You see sometimes you can go so far
But don't have that extra strength
That strength that will move you past this rut
The strength that will make you win
You give all of yourself
Every single bit
But still it isn't enough
And now you are doubting yourself
Because your best isn't good enough

I'm running, running, running
Trying to keep up with your pace
I'm running and I'm running
Trying desperately to win this race
I'm trying... I'm trying so hard
But I guess it won't ever be
So maybe I should let my legs rest
And finally face defeat

The Man

Mama always reminded me of you
She always said, "daughter be careful because they are out there"
And  you know what
I didn't believe her
She always said that sometimes you can't tell by looking at the outside
She said sometimes words can be spoken but not meant
And I was naive
I didn't believe her
She could not possibly know better
But you know what.....
Mama was right.....

Mama always reminded me of you
She said be weary of the man dressed in fine clothes
Who says he has an untainted heart
She said be weary of the man who says he loves you
However his body language does not show it
She said "be weary my daughter"
 And I thought she was old
I thought she didn't know
But you know what, mama did know

And oh how I wish I would have listened to mama
Mama knew of your kind and she tried to warm me
Yet I was naive
I believe that no one could possibly be that bad
I believed that everyone at least had an ounce of kindness in their heart
But obviously..... I was wrong

That man
The manipulator
The womanizer
The one who just doesn't care
Mama always reminded me of you
She said your kind existed
And I have finally encountered it for myself

Monday, October 14, 2013


Delete (verb) – to remove or obliterate

Actions speak louder than words.
That is what they always say.
So I won’t listen to a word you say, but I will pay attention carefully.

I will carefully observe your actions
I will examine your response
I will have my ears wide shut
While my eyes continue to watch
I will not utter a single word
I will just continue to observe what you do
Because actions speak louder than words, they say
And your actions will reveal the truth

Oh if life was so simple
If it was just like a social network or a show on tv
You could easily remove me when you wanted to
By simply pressing delete

Actions speak louder than words
And what you are telling me
Is that you don’t want me in your life
You wish you could delete me

You never really said this
But that is what your actions say
So I will not ignore this warning
I will just quietly go away

What’s the point of staying where you aren't wanted?
I mean, your body language tells it all
Because even though your mouth says you care about me
Your actions don’t show this at all

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Song About You

You ... stole my heart...
You... made me smile...
You ... made me believe
That you were different from other guys

You.. make me weak
You.. kiss me so sweet
You... are something I can't
Go a day without thinking of... me flowers
You.. hold my hand
You ... make me happy
And I want you to understand

That it's you...
It is you that I have dreamed of
It is you......
It is you I want forever

You... stole my heart
You.. made me smile
You... make me believe
That love exists... even thought I doubted it for a while.....

The Benefits

Heart of Solid Gold
Lips that Only Utter Kindness
So rare it is to find these things
So rare it is to find someone honest

To come across someone
Who places others before themself
We come across it rarely
But when we do
we use it to our benefit

They will strive to make you happy
And you will say "they don't mind"
They will give you their last so you can make it
And you will think they are doing "just fine"
They will never admit they are struggling
Because at the end of the day
They know that there are people worst off
Than they are today

They have a heart of gold
They have lips that utter only kindness
So rare it is to find them
So rare it is to find someone honest

But be careful how you treat these people
They are more fragile than we think
They are more than just a "BENEFIT" to you
They are also people like you and me

Monday, October 7, 2013


Patience is a virtue
That so many seem to lack
We tap our fingers constantly
Waiting for others to react
But what are we gaining from this? 
Time will still go on the same
Because despite your current actions
There will always be only 24 hours in a day

Monday, September 30, 2013


Think about all the times you have been called this in your life…
And I’m not talking about the word ‘bitch’ which was popularized by the likes of Paris Hilton and others to refer to their best friend.
I’m talking about the word Bitch
You know, commonly used in the following forms:
“You are being a bitch!!”
“You have a bitchy attitude!”
“You Bitch!”

For quite some time, I have been constantly wondering what makes someone call you such a name. I mean, according to the dictionary I find the following definitions:
Bitch (noun)
1.       The female of the dog or some other mammal
2.       A lewd or immoral woman
3.       A malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman – sometimes used as a generalized term of abuse
4.       Something that is extremely difficult, objectionable, or unpleasant
Now let’s go back to the time someone called you a bitch. Did you fit any of these definitions? Are you a dog? Are you lewd and immoral? Are you malicious and overbearing? Are you a thing? I bet your answer is no. Congrats!!!! I feel the same way. Now if I asked you to pick a definition which fits closely to why you believe you were called a bitch, the majority would choose the third definition which is:
·         Bitch (noun) - a malicious, spiteful, or overbearing woman – sometimes used as a generalized form of abuse.
You see that last word? ABUSE?
Usually when a female is called a bitch it is usually by a person of the opposite sex. And you know what ladies, so many of us accept this because we feel that “hey, maybe I was getting on his nerves” or “maybe I was being overbearing.” But the truth of the matter is… IT IS STILL ABUSE!
Have you ever looked further into you being called a bitch? Have you ever analyzed the entire situation? Where were you? What was going on? More than likely you two were having an argument, right? And you were taking all of his low blows he was throwing at you. You let him verbally degrade you and you didn’t say a thing. And then a light bulb went off in your head and you realized you shouldn’t be spoken to in such a manner so you decide to SPEAK UP!
You calmly speak and say how you feel and then you are quickly cut off by him saying “You are a bitch!”
At this moment, you are confused because you are standing up for yourself. I mean, isn’t that what you are supposed to do? And as this thought is going through your mind you are standing in complete silent because he is still going on about how you are a bitch and you have a bitchy attitude….
Words have different meanings to different people. Today, I find that many define the word bitch as “A female who takes up for herself”. So if that’s the definition of the word nowadays, then Ladies I suggest that you be the best Bitch that you can be!!!!!
Don’t ever let a man or anyone run over you and think it is okay. Just because someone doesn’t physically hit you does not mean it is not ABUSE. Too many times we let things like this slide because we feel as though we might deserve it just a little, but no one deserves to be verbally abused.
I feel so sorry for the younger children who are in relationships and this happens to them. Verbal abuse can be so much for even an adult to handle. And nowadays it is worst because verbal abuse can not only happen face to face but can also transpire onto social networks.
If you see someone going through this, please help them realize their worth! If someone is calling them a bitch constantly, encourage them to address the situation and if it doesn’t get better LEAVE! If this is you going through the same thing, I suggest you do the same as well.
Never feel bad for standing up for yourself! Never allow abuse of whatever form to continuously happen again and again and again. Your life has value!! You have worth!! And if someone can’t recognize this, then have the courage to walk away!
-Monica Renata 

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The House

Your house is no longer vacant
And I'm standing at the door
Knocking so you can hear me
I knock til my knuckles get sore

Your house is filled with so much joy
And love is in the air
Yet I am still sitting on the front steps
Because I know that you are in there

Your house is filled with overwhelming love
And I can see it from the windows outside
Your heart is complete with what you have
And you need no more love from outside

Your house is so beautiful
Your house is so unique
And I don't want your house to become overcrowded with me

Your house is no longer vacant
And I'm standing at the door
Waiting for you to let me in
But you won't answer the door
And the truth is I can't fault you at all
Because I think this is how it should be
But I think instead of standing at the door...
Maybe it's just my signal to leave

Never Leave You Lonely

Life may not go your way
And all of your days may not be good days
But there is one promise I will always keep
And that is to never leave you lonely

Sure sometimes life seems to go on and on
And every song that is playing is a sad song
But remember that promise that I shall always keep
And that is to never leave you lonely

Joys come and sometimes we don't realize
Because we only believe what we see with our eyes
But whenever you are down
Just get on bended knees
And remember that promise I said I would keep
For when you think you have no one 
Just remember that you always have me 

Psalms 46:1

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.”

Friday, September 27, 2013

Flowers Never Bloom

Flowers never bloom in winter
That's what mother would always say
For beauty happens in the summer time
When birds can once again play
Nothing beautiful can come from a situation
A situation which starts off so cold
The flower can try its best to bloom
And then stop growing because it is cold

Flowers never bloom in winter
But there are those who try
They try to open up
They have to try at least one time
And then a miracle happens
And it completes its task
It finally is at its peak of beauty
But how long will this beauty last?

Mother said flowers never bloom in winter
And I always believed this was true
But then in the coldest situation
I finally opened up to you
Oh what a beautiful flower
Oh the journey that it outlast
The flower bloomed in the winter time
But how long will its petals last

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Just because they don't say "I love you" ...Doesn't mean they don't

No matter how many times you say it
I will always disagree
You say that I don't understand
You say I don't understand because "You were never me"
But oh the ways the world turns
Oh the actions that you and I both partake
You say I don't understand where you are coming from
And yet I still disagree

We both were on different sides of the fence
You were here
And I was there
You say you don't want a kid to feel this way
But I was a kid and I know how it felt

Sometimes we take for granted
What others only wished they had
You say "you have to think like a child"
But I know cause I was there

Just be thankful for what you have
Don't dwell on the past
Sometimes we say others don't care about us
But those "others" just have a hard time expressing how they feel

No matter how many times you say it
I will always disagree
Because sometimes someone can love you so much
But can't express themselves openly
Just because they don't SAY "I love you"
Doesn't mean that they do not love you so

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Everyone Else

Just because everyone else is doing it
Doesn't make it right
Yet sometimes we see bad things happen
And we kindly bat our eyes
We say that others do this
We say this is the norm
We neglect the morality of the issue and simply go on

Just because everyone else is doing it
Doesn't mean that you should too
Yet sometimes we actually question ourselves about what we shall do
We say that this can't be wrong
We say "everyone else is doing it too"
We bypass the question of "is it wrong?"
Because others have done the same too

Just because everyone else is doing it...
That seems to be many peoples excuse
But why be like everyone else
When you could be like YOU

Sure it seems like everyone is doing wrong
Sure it seems like they are living the life
But always remember to do the right thing
No matter if you are the only one doing right

Everyone else...
It seems like we are always concerned with them
But sometimes we lack to look at the person deep within
You are who you are
So never make any excuse
And always...ALWAYS...Always be you

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Be the Change you wish to see

There is so much negativity in the world... This is very true, however, there is a great amount of positive things happening around you as well. Why is it that we tend to dwell so much on the negative things? We let celebrations last only a second while we let disappointments and heartbreaks last for hours...We are quick to talk down on someone rather than lift them up... You never know who is watching... and you never know who is listening to the words you say... what you do or say have an affect on others. You ever heard of "Be the change you wish to see" ? This is actually so true.. In order to create a better world we have to start being better people. "Treat others the way you want to be treated" and lend out a helping hand.... a better world doesn't take place overnight...but a change can start right now with you! #TheAwkwardButterfly

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Words to Say

How do I find the words to say
To let you know how I feel each day
When you are near I feel complete
When you are away I cannot sleep

How do I find the words to say
To let you know I don't want you to go away
To let you know how fast my heart beats
Whenever we share an embrace and our two lips meet

How do I find the words to say
I can't say I love you cause that is cliche
But the thoughts float in my mind all the time
And in my heart you are already mines

How do I find the words to say
For I don't know how to say it any other way
I know that I'm happy when I am with you
And in my heart I know you feel the same way too

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Hi, my name is Somebody
But am I somebody to you?
Walking around in an endless circle
I constantly surround you

Shadows of faces everywhere
But are you closer to the truth?
Hi, my name is Sombody
But am I somebody to you?

Reflections of the known
But are you sure of what you see?
Because to you.. you are somebody
But are you somebody to me?

You are always questioned in this world
Questioned about who you are
But do you recognize the reflection that you see?
Do you know who you are?

Mirror Mirror on the wall
Tell me what you see
Cause To you I am somebody
But am I somebody to me?

Friday, September 6, 2013

Crying in the rain

Raindrops splatter down from the clouds above
Then fall gently on my cheek
And flow down to reach the grass
That is underneath my feet
Oh how the heavens must feel today
I wonder what is next
For when the sky begins to cry
I know a person will be next

Friday, August 30, 2013

My Night Under The Stars

Looking into the neverending night sky
I reminense and let life pass me by
For what awaits me after this day
I have no clue but I will keep my fears at bay

Lilacs and Roses
I will await the smell
The birds chirping cheerfully 
As they sit on the rails

From night to day
This is what I shall see
As I lay under the night sky
Waiting for morning to be

Thursday, August 29, 2013

On the Road

It's been a long day
A very long day
You have so much more to do
And you want to do it fast

Time is so precious
Our time is the most precious of them all, right?

It's amazing how sometimes we get in our cars and head out to accomplish our tasks at hand, yet we forget about others. We are in a hurry, and we feel as though others should cater to us on the road.
We honk at the slow driver.
We duck in and out of traffic.
Just to make it to where we have to be
We don't want to waste our time....

But what about others.......
Staci is trying to pick up her child who missed the bus after school
David is trying to get to his wife who just went into labor
Anthony is trying to make it to his last college class ever
Everyone on the road has a mission
But why don't we see this?

Instead we put our own selfish needs ahead of others
We think our time is so valuable that we do careless things
We are reckless at the wheel and experience intense moments of rage
But why?
We are all trying to get somewhere
We all have things to do
We all want to live to see tomorrow........
So why possibly deny someone this?

The majority of accidents are caused by carelessness
Carelessness which occurs because someone didn't want to waste their time
They care about themselves
They honked at the slow driver
Then ducked in and out of traffic
Then purposely got in front of another vehicle to piss them off.....
Is it really worth it?
Is jeopardizing your life and the life of someone else really worth it?

You had a long day...
Someone else did too...
Your time is valuable
And others time is valuable too..
You want to make it home today
And so does everyone else
So please be a courteous driver
Don't just think about yourself

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

My Heart Beats

My heart
My heart beats for you
Poudning with roaring intensity
Almost to the point where I have to try to catch my breath
Because my heart
Is beating
For you

My lungs don't know what to do
I breathe in and out
Out and in
And still I can't
I can't catch my breathe

Overwhelmed by these emotions
I care but I say I don't
I want you to leave but also stay
I am lost
Lost in you

Circulating these different feelings that I have
Making my body move
Giving me life
I want you to go out there and be better than I ever was
I may not know you but I want you to know that I care
Even if you think no one else does
I want you to stay with me in my thoughts but move forward in this world
I want you to conquer your dreams
I want you to pursue happiness

For my heart
It beats for you
And I really wish you the best

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Secret

I have a little secret
That no one else shall know
It tickles my insides
And make me smile and glow

It's a secret that is so visible
Yet so many cannot see
It radiates with the brightest light
Like the light that peaks over the trees

My secret is so big
Yet it can also be considered small
For many may value it slightly
While others may not value it at all

I have a little secret
And it is that I love me
For the greatest gift I ever received
Was the gift of fully understanding me

I love myself
I love my life
I love the people too
And when my skies are constantly gray
I know that one day it will turn back blue

I have accepted myself for who I am
And I won't dwell on who I am not
And although this is unknown to others
To me it means a lot

I have a little secret
And I'm pretty sure that you do too
Because sometimes how we really feel
Is covered by what we do
We give the public what they want
We give them what they want to see
And sometimes the greatest costume we ever wear
Is the one that overshadows who we really should be

Speak Life Into Me

That is all I need you to do
I need you to speak
I need you to let me get wrapped in your words
Let your words comfort my spirit
Let me become entangled in the mixture of letters and pauses 
These letters and pauses which composes everything that you SPEAK of

Speak life into me!!!
Comfort me 
Motivate me
Inspire me
Make me feel!

The power of words
Words can make you feel so many things
Feelings of happiness
Feelings of sadness 
Feelings of doubt
Oh so many feelings

Cover me with a blanket of your words
Kiss me softly with the kindest hello
And tuck me in with your bittersweet goodbyes

I want you to be inspired
I want you to believe in yourself
I want you to never be afraid to speak
For your words might give life to those who believe they are dead
Because some of the best things are often left unsaid

Monday, August 26, 2013


Wondering around this mystic sea
Hopes and dreams surrounding me
I look up ahead and see a star
I follow it  but it doesn't take me far

I'm trapped underneath
Yet I can breathe
My hopes and dreams still surrounding me
But what I see I cannot get
But what can I do
For I am just a fish

Mornings Come

Mornings come
And Mornings Go
Sun Shines Bright
And then goes low
Day by Day that passes by
I appreciate life And never ask why
For today could really be my last
So I won't dwell too much on the past
I will appreciate the opportunity to live today
For who knows when it's my turn to eternally lay

Sunday, August 25, 2013

They Said

They said I couldn't do it
I said I disagree
They said it wasn't worth it
But it means so much to me
They said there is no use in trying
I said I should try at the very least
They said chasing dreams is foolish
I said, "Well a fool I shall be"

So many people try to cut you down
So many people don't believe
That you are capable of many things
You are capable of being anything you wish to be
So many people 
So many opinions
But the only one that matters is yours
Go out and do what you want to do 
Set your goals and try to do so much more!

They said I couldn't do it
Well I'm doing it now
They said it wasn't worth it
But I have found fulfillment somehow
They said there was no use in trying
But I'm happy that I at least tried
They said chasing dreams was foolish
But I'm living my dream right now!

Don't get discouraged
By the negative things people say
Just use it as motivation 
To push through each day
Never shed a single tear over the doubts and thoughts of your friends 

For they will finally believe you
But it will take some time
They will believe in you when they see things happen
Then they will bat their eyes

When all your dreams are reality
When you accomplished what you seeked
When they realize that because they didn't believe in you
They pushed you to succeed

They said so many things
I remember this so well
But I now appreciate what they said
Because it has helped me to excel

The Remedy Is Me

Ten Fingers
Ten Toes
Two Eyes
One Nose
All a part of me
Help me navigate, smell, and see

One mouth 
To voice my opinions
And to finally express my self

One brain to give me the ability
To think critically and apply myself
One heart
To keep me moving
That's what composes me
But subtracting these things
Make me no longer be

One heart
Broken a thousand times
One brain to gather my thoughts
One mouth to express how I truly feel
But I won't say a word
One nose that sniffles so much
Two eyes that shed so many tears
Ten toes that want to walk away
Ten fingers that express how I feel
Typing, Typing, Typing away
Writing down my words
Trying to execute how I feel 
Make my silent words be heard

The best coping mechanism
The best medicine to seek
For my greatest disease is withholding my emotions
But the only remedy is me

Mirror Mirror

Mirror Mirror 
On the Wall
Who is the fairest of them all?
They say beauty is skin deep
But I can't see
How beauty so great is all you see...

Eyes dancing in the mirror 
Wandering around
Waiting for you to cast judgement 
Which will make me silently doubt...
Because if the fairest is all you see
I wonder if you will recognize me

Mirror Mirror
On the wall
Who is the fairest of them all? 
Just wait and please don't answer me yet!
I move back and make sure my feet are set
I clinch my fist and cock back then let go
The shards start to float around the room
I always thought the mirror was my friend
But now I realize it never saw what was within

Thursday, August 22, 2013

The Awkward Butterfly

Hello Everyone, 

I would like to announce that I have recently published an eBook. This eBook is available on Amazon. If you click the following link you can be directed to the book: 

The Awkward Butterfly Available on Amazon

This weekend, the book will be available for free. That is Friday August 23rd through Sunday, August 25th. 

This book is in the kindle edition, however, you do not need a kindle to download the book. The app is available for androids, tablets, and many others. Below is the link to the kindle app download: 

Kindle App Download

I hope you enjoy the book. 

Monica Renata

Thursday, August 15, 2013


They say we will not make it
They say the reasons why
They back it up with research
And we believe that they don't lie

But who are"they" to tell us this
Who conducted this research
Who placed all of this information
In so many distributed textbooks

We read and read and discover things
We discover we are part of their ongoing tests
And then we start to think to yourself
We think we fit their current mold
So our future is laid out as we speak

They say I will not make make
They say the reasons why
They back it up with research
And say that statistically I won't rise
But I refuse to be another number
I refuse to be what they think
I will not be a statistic
I won't be what they say

Just because I grew up this way
Doesn't mean I won't succeed
Just because my family has these problems
It doesn't mean they will happen to me
Just because I am from this area of the world
Doesn't mean I'm smarter or dumber than the rest
You can't just predict what I will do
I am not a number on your list

I refuse to be what you say
I refuse to submit
I am not a statistic
I will not be a number on your list

I will not be a statistic
I will not be a statistic
I WILL NOT be a statistic

They say I will not make it
They say the reasons why
They back it up with research
And say that statistically I won't rise
But I choose to disagree with them
I will not be a number on their list
I am more than what they believe I am
I am not just a statistic

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Rain Rain

Rain Rain go away
Leave this place so I can play
Let those raindrops be no more
And stop pounding on my windows and doors

Stop blocking the future in front of me
It is pouring so hard 
I can barely see

Then I heard thunder in the background
And I know you won't let me leave this time

I see lightning in my  head
I try to back up but I can't
I want to cry

But this shower is overwhelming me
Just let me go
Just let me be free

Rain Rain go away
Leave this place so I can play
Let these tears be no more
For this fighting I can't take it no more

You throw dishes around our house
You tell me there is no way out
In the corner I crouch in fear
As your fists keep pounding against my skin

I don't know if I can survive
It was always bad...but it is worst this time

It feels like I'm about to be knocked out
Yet the rain of your fist just won't stop
I have to finally get the courage to leave
I have to go....
I have to be free

Monday, August 5, 2013

Weekly Challenge 10: Accomplish Something

Hello everyone!!!

I hope you are all having a great time. I will finally start up with my weekly challenges again. :) 

This week I would like you to take the time to accomplish something. Think about something that you want to do. How long have you wanted to accomplish it? Have you ever tried to make it happen? 

At times, we say that we want to do many things, however, we do not put in the effort to make it happen. I know I have been like this many times. I said I wanted something, and I wished and prayed about it, however, I did not put in any effort. I now know that I must put in effort if I want to accomplish anything........

And guess what!!!?? I finally accomplished it. :)

Never be afraid to go after what you want! 

And remember, 
Everything is impossible if you do not attempt to take the first step!!!!

-Monica Renata

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Happiness is You

Crystal clear skies
No clouds to dampen my day
The sun shall radiate down
And a smile will be on my face
To know you is to love you
And love you is what I did
And forever the sun will always shine
Because I will always have you near