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Monday, July 21, 2014

Pretty Little Picture

Pretty Little Picture
By: Monica Renata

Pretty little picture
I decided to paint of you
It had flowers blooming beautifully
And the sky was a nice blue

Pretty little picture
In the corner I was standing there
Arms wide open waiting for your hug
And for you to toss me in the air

The weather always lovely
The setting always nice
No rainy days upon us
Just beautiful sunny skies

Frozen in a moment of time
That I wished to always be
In a world of endless beauty
That surrounds both you and me

Pretty little picture
I decided to paint for you
Encompassed all my feelings
Showed my dreams if there were to come true

Sitting on my window pane
Sometimes I wish it was more
Than just a pretty little picture
That remains while we are no more

Monica Renata 
My Book: 
The Awkward Butterfly:

Some things will never change

“Some things will never change”…….

Sometimes saying this sounds so negative. Usually when we utter these words, it is in pure disappointment. We never truly wish positive situations to change, but we hope and pray that negative situations do.

Sometimes, there are situations in which in order for them to change that would require the efforts of another individual. Just by bringing that individual in the equation there is a 50/50 chance that you will either fail or succeed……

I thought things would get better with time. I thought that some things would change…. I prayed that some things would change…….. I wishes and cried and hoped that some things would change….but you know what…. They didn’t. No matter how much I wanted the situation to be different, it did not matter because it involved more than just me.

Sometimes we are so hard on ourselves. We cast the blame fully on us. We get on our knees and look to the sky and say “Why me?”……….but why? …. Do we not realize that although in some situations we are fully to blame, in others we are only partly? For example, it is like a race in which you have to tag the other person to start running. If you are ahead of the competition and then you tap your partners hand and he or she refuses to finish the race and you come in dead last, is it your fault that you lost? It may be partly your fault, but the blame is moreso on the other person because they didn’t even try.

Some things will never change………….I said how I felt, I showed how I wanted to be treated….I really did try…….but my effort was cancelled out by the lack of effort on the other person’s part. In order for change to occur, positive forces must interact. Change is cancelled out when a positive and a negative force collide…I realize this…. And despite how unhappy it makes me, I just have to realize that some things never change……
I thought things would get better with time. I thought that some things would change…. I prayed that some things would change…….. I wishes and cried and hoped that some things would change….but you know what…. They didn’t. No matter how much I wanted the situation to be different, it did not matter because it involved more than just me…..and I can’t force others to change………

Just something to think about…. Have a great day.

-Monica Renata

Monica Renata 
My Book: 
The Awkward Butterfly:

Pretty Flowers

Pretty Flowers
By: Monica Renata

He gives me pretty flowers
Every single day
He tells me I am special
In every single way

He makes me feel so lovely
And also bubbly inside
He makes me realize dreams do come true
And I am destined to fly

He makes me feel so many things
Even though I may feel that I am not
He makes me smile on the many days
In which it was happiness I forgot

To be his friend is a blessing
I’m so happy to have him in my life
He gives me pretty flowers
And I cherish him a lot

“Sometimes you never truly realize how much of a dramatic effect a tiny gesture of kindness can have…..Genuine kindness can help a neglected flower grow again” –Monica Renata

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Confessions of the Heart

Confessions of the Heart
By: Monica Renata

Truth is I really care for you
Honestly, I do
Yet my heart cannot fully take
All you put me through

Truth is you make me smile
You make me smile on countless days
Yet the times when I am sad
You make me feel ashamed

Wrapped up in my own emotions
Trying to gain shelter from the storm
That you created with your words
That seems to keep getting strong

Wind whipping at my face
Rain flooding up to my neck
Drowning in my love for you
That you don’t seem to get

Truth is, I really want you
Honestly, I do
But what am I to think
When I am constantly abused

Taken advantage of daily
Yet you think I’m blind and cannot see
I’m just a stepping stone to your future success
And you step right over me

This weight I bear is heavy
I can no longer help you if you don’t help me
Truth is, I really love you

But I have to start loving me

Monica Renata 
My Book: 
The Awkward Butterfly:

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Never-Ending Time

Never-Ending Time
By: Monica Renata

The time seems never-ending
Each second never really stops
The world is constantly spinning
The clock still goes tick tock

People come one minute
And then the next minute they are gone
Memories are made in a second
Yet are remembered years later just by playing a song

Friendships last forever
Memories seem to never fade
The wonderful joys of living
That we should appreciate for the rest of our days

The time seems never-ending
Each second never really stops
The world is constantly spinning
The clock still goes tick tock

People come one minute
And the next minute they may be gone
Memories are made in mere seconds
But we are reminded of them at the play of a song

Appreciate the time you have
For time does not always last
Appreciate the people you have in your life
Before they become the people that you had

Time seems never-ending
But in reality it is not
That’s why I shall cherish every day
Even though it may not seem like a lot

“Each day is a blessing. Appreciate what you have and continue to smile…….” –Monica Renata

Monica Renata 
My Book: 
The Awkward Butterfly:

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Mr. Care Too Much

Mr. Care Too Much
By: Monica Renata 

In the midst of sunny days
Yet drowning in constant rainfall
Lives the man who lives each and every day
Afraid that he will fall

Fall into a deep spell
That he can never seem to let go
He is afraid to fall in love
Because of the truths society holds

To care too much is crushing
And heart shattering to say the least
For if you care too much for someone
You might no longer be able to see

Blinded by this stain called loved
Judgment distorted every day
He cared so much for others deeply
That he wishes his heart to go away

But to deprive the world of something great
Of something so hard to find
Would be like robbing the world’s strongest man
Of his beautiful hazel eyes

For the heart not only beats for you
It also beats for me
And the heart radiates happiness
In all that we may see

They call him Mr. Care Too Much
He has a great big heart
He is loving and also kind
He is also giving and smart

Yet the one thing that I love so much
He can’t really see
He has the most beautiful gift
That I wish resided in me

A heart so full of hope and splendor
Beautiful as the sun’s rays
He has a heart that showers so many with love
And that I shall envy for all days

“Sometimes the greatest hearts go through the most pain………..but those hearts also bring the most joy too. Never wish away a loving heart, for one day when you finally need it, it will be no more………” –Monica Renata 

Monica Renata 
My Book: 
The Awkward Butterfly: