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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Never-Ending Time

Never-Ending Time
By: Monica Renata

The time seems never-ending
Each second never really stops
The world is constantly spinning
The clock still goes tick tock

People come one minute
And then the next minute they are gone
Memories are made in a second
Yet are remembered years later just by playing a song

Friendships last forever
Memories seem to never fade
The wonderful joys of living
That we should appreciate for the rest of our days

The time seems never-ending
Each second never really stops
The world is constantly spinning
The clock still goes tick tock

People come one minute
And the next minute they may be gone
Memories are made in mere seconds
But we are reminded of them at the play of a song

Appreciate the time you have
For time does not always last
Appreciate the people you have in your life
Before they become the people that you had

Time seems never-ending
But in reality it is not
That’s why I shall cherish every day
Even though it may not seem like a lot

“Each day is a blessing. Appreciate what you have and continue to smile…….” –Monica Renata

Monica Renata 
My Book: 
The Awkward Butterfly:

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